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First, on the planes front, there are a couple of developments to watch out for:
  • We can start out with some new project at SAC posted on the official AVIC website http://www.avic1.com.cn/chinese/xwzx/detail/20070529_9.htm
  • It basically talks about a new airframe being delivered for static testing. Now, normally static testing in PLAAF is the second prototype. So that probably means this class so far has the first prototype + this 02 prototype. It doesn't seem to be J-11B, since that should be going into service this year. So, it would have to either be SAC's J-11BS project (I guess Chinese attempt to get something in the class of su-34/F-15E) or their naval fighter project. I personally didn't expect it to proceed this quickly, but who knows.
  • The second part is news from CAC side, there was a while back that xinhua mentioned a major project at CAC http://news.xinhuanet.com/mil/2007-04/30/content_6046552.htm
  • Now, it seems like this is the major change on J-10. I guess the second variant after the original J-10 variant, not the much talked about twin engined J-10 project
  • A couple of things, according to a "big shrimp" on Chinese BBS, this project will be much better than the original J-10, using WS-10 series + TVC nozzle, improved aerodynamics, more usage of composites, generally a more stealthy design (not sure whether internal carriage will be done), more network centric/better situation awareness, possibly built in IRST, improved radar (maybe too early for AESA, not sure). But the gist is that the design was finalized in April according to the article, and it normally takes 6 month to produce a prototype, so the first prototype might have a change of flying at the end of the year.
Now, on the naval side, there hasn't been a lot of movement since we last spoke. We have some new pictures of 054A, 071 and some new 022s launching, but only this picture is kind of interesting

This is pretty much the first clear over the head shot of 054A's VLS. Doesn't seem to be cold launched, since the cells are flat vs water level. Still trying to determine where the exhaust vent is. Some people are saying it's the part between two adjacent lids. We will see. Like? Latest updates for wallpaper? Shar this image to Latest updates for your friend.

Movement Afoot To Repeal Breath Tester Mandate - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix

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Movement Afoot To Repeal Breath Tester Mandate - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix

Just like I have said - These devices do notihign to reduce drunk driving, except for the additional business owners who now can afford limousines based on the money they make from these things!

PHOENIX -- The Arizona House signaled its support Tuesday for repealing a new requirement that first-time drunken driving offenders install breath-testing ignition interlocks on their vehicles for at least a year after resuming driving.
Republican Rep. John Kavanagh of Fountain Hills urged lawmakers to back out of the earlier decision, saying he has since reviewed studies that conclude the devices don't lead to a reduction in traffic accidents or repeat offenses by first-time offenders.
"All I am doing is allowing us to gracefully retreat from what appears to have been a mistake until we can get more data and then make a decision based on fact -- and not wishful thinking," said Kavanagh, who had previously voted for the bill containing the interlock requirement.
After clearing its first hurdle at the Legislature, the proposed repeal now moves to a formal vote by the House.
Supporters of the interlock requirement said it was an alternative to fines and penalties that don't do enough to change offenders' behavior. Opponents said the requirement unfairly burdens first-time offenders.
A drunken driving sentencing bill signed into law nearly a month ago by Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano made Arizona the only state besides New Mexico to have an interlock requirement for first-time drunken driving offenders. The law would take effect later this year.
State law now requires repeat drunken drivers or those convicted of extreme or aggravated DUI to use interlocks when their driving privileges are restored. The devices won't allow a vehicle to start if the person's alcohol content is above a certain limit.
Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Mesa, leader of the effort to keep the interlock requirement, said studies show the devices contribute to a reduction in repeat offenses and wrecks.
"We may not be able to prevent the first-time offenders, because people get out there and drink, but we can reduce the second-time offenders by using this," Biggs said.
Democratic Rep. Chad Campbell of Phoenix, who voted for the bill that contained the interlock requirement but now supports the proposed repeal, said the financial penalties and embarrassment of a drunken driving conviction are probably enough to prevent first-time offenders from making the mistake again.
"There is no definitive answer about the impact (the requirement) would have," said Campbell, who, like Kavanagh, had previously expressed reservations about the interlock requirement.
Republican Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, who wanted to keep the requirement, said the studies cited by repeal supporters were flawed, because some people who were convicted of drunken driving may later operate a vehicle while impaired but may not get caught doing so.
"It is your choice not to drive intoxicated," Pearce said. "It is our choice to make that life pretty miserable for you if you make that bad choice." Like? Movement Afoot To Repeal Breath Tester Mandate - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix for wallpaper? Shar this image to Movement Afoot To Repeal Breath Tester Mandate - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix for your friend.

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First, new Varyag photos

Second, new pictures of 171 returning to Shanghai for maintenance

Third, a picture of the VLS of 051C

Fourth, a picture of the second 054A in HD finally being launched, interestingly enough, no sea eagle yet

Fifth, a picture of the first 054A in HP returning from sea test

Now, in the land of the aerial assets. Recently, we have seen evidences from photo leaks, military newspaper article and magazines of the following:
  • J-10 is being equipped (probably fully converted) in the 5th regiment in 2nd division
  • JH-7A has been spotted in a new PLAAF regiment in possibly 5th division (13-15th regiment) located in the Shandong area.
  • JH-7A also has been spotted in a PLANAF 14th regiment of 5th division in Jiaozhou in NSF
  • Z-10's first production batch is getting delivered this year
  • Z-8F has finally reached production level (according to this link http://www.jxgfgb.gov.cn/news/news_detail.asp?id=2423, China produced 9 Z-8 in 2005, 12 in 2006 and at least 15 in 2007)
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Scalia's daughter gets probation for DUI - CNN.com

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Scalia's daughter gets probation for DUI - CNN.com

WHEATON, Illinois (AP) -- The daughter of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was sentenced to 18 months of court supervision after pleading guilty to drunken driving.

Ann S. Banaszewski, 45, of Wheaton, Illinois, on Wednesday accepted a plea agreement under which prosecutors dropped four other charges including endangering the life of a child and failure to secure a child younger than 8 in a child-restraint system.

She was arrested February 12 while driving away from a fast-food restaurant in Wheaton, 20 miles west of Chicago. Three of her children were inside her 1996 Ford van when someone called police to report a suspected intoxicated driver, authorities have said.

Banaszewski didn't contest the automatic six-month suspension of her driver's license for refusing to take a breath test.

A DuPage County judge also sentenced her to 140 hours of public service and to attend counseling sessions, according to Paul Darrah, a spokesman for the DuPage County state's attorney's office.

Banaszewski's attorney, Donald Ramsell, said the plea agreement was fair to both sides.

Scalia, who began serving on the Supreme Court in 1986, has nine children.

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