
Aircraft Carrier and SSBN

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Wallpaper Aircraft Carrier and SSBN

There has also been some news going out on aircraft carrier and SSBN. First, let's look at aircraft carriers, here is a photo of Varyag from recent times.

Now, we have seen numerous articles talking about China getting ready to build aircraft carrier. I have this article from kanwa's recent article.

This is not saying much, except that switchboard being ordered for aircraft carrier. Afterward, it commented on the possible shipyards for building the carrier. And it also talks about the welding equipment (I think) used for Chinese military ships.

From what I can gather on some of the more reliable sources on Chinese military webs, the indigenous aircraft project is known as the Project 048.

In terms of the supplier, I found a possible list a while back, don't know how accurate it is:
catapult, arresting gear, special steel deck - Deyang 2nd heavy limited - I think this is the website for one of the subsidiary of this company?
This place is somewhere in Szechuan
fully delivered or party delivered already
舰体------------沪东中华集团 长兴岛(未知)
ship hull - Hudong Zhonghua in Changxin (no confirmation)

舰用轴承--------哈尔滨轴承集团 (已交付)
Ship bearing - Harbin Bearing Limited (already delivered)
This is their website http://www.bearinghrb.com/

锅炉配件--------哈尔滨锅炉厂 (已交付)
Boiler accessories - Harbin Boiler factory (already delivered)
website http://www.hbc.com.cn/

特种舰艇板材----鞍山钢铁、宝山钢铁 (已交付)
special ship plate - Anshan steel http://www.ceie.com.cn/ (delivered)
Baoshan steel - http://www.baosteel.com

舰载机----------601所 (在研)
naval fighter - SAC (in development)

舰艇设计--------中船重工701所 (技术冻结或已定型)
Ship design - CSIC 701 institute (finalized design)

配套舰船--------江南重工、沪东中华 长兴岛 、大连重工、黄埔造船(已开工)
escorts .... you guys know

配套核潜艇------葫芦岛厂、江南重工 长兴岛 (已开工或准备开工)
submarines - you guys also know

辅助舰----------沪东中华 长兴岛 、黄埔造船、广船(已开工)
replenishment ship - 886/887

训练舰----------大连重工 (已开工)
training ship - Dalian - Varyag

For the steel making part, there are basically 2 steel makers that have already delivered steel for the carrier and a third one that has yet to finish. Once everything is done, they will assess which one meets the requirements.

As for nuclear submarine, we've heard about the 094 being found on satellite imaging by FAS recently. Now, I don't have access to the satellite imaging, but I'm still unconvinced on this. There has been much speculation that the newly discovered ballistic submarine is 092 mod rather than 094. I think the only fair thing to say at this point is to not jump the gun either way. Kanwa mentioned something about 096 design being almost finished in the current edition of Kanwa. There has been one supplier that accidentally revealed it's part of the 095 SSN project a while back, but we have not found anything similar for 096. Like? Aircraft Carrier and SSBN for wallpaper? Shar this image to Aircraft Carrier and SSBN for your friend.

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