
Modified Yuan emerges

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Wallpaper Modified Yuan emerges

so, the new 039 variant we saw a couple of weeks ago has now finally launched. I got some photos here. It's definitely a clearer view than what we've seen before.

I can't say too much except that it definitely looks wider than Song for sure. With the new hump, its hull looks kind of odd. And the sail also looks wider than previously. Generally, it looks like larger than previous Yuan or Song.

Also of note from this week, we finally got confirmation that Yuan is using an AIP engine of 100 kw in power. It's most likely equipped with 2 such AIP engine. Interestingly, Gotland submarines use 2 V4-275R stirling AIP units (each rated 75 kw). The larger Yuan obviously needs the more powerful AIP units.
The original article from Science & Technology Daily is as follows (if you can read Chinese).


福州红庙岭垃圾填埋场从今年起,每年都将会发一笔“意外”之财。当然,并不真的是天上掉馅饼,而是因为历时 一年有余,其垃圾填埋场封场覆盖及填埋气发电项目终于竣工投产,以后每年可向华东电网输送1200万千瓦时 的电能。
  这个项目的核心———特种发动机技术的承建者,则是有30年特种发动机研究历史的———中国船舶重工集 团七一一研究所的下属单位上海齐耀动力技术有限公司。


  目前,这一发动机已成功应用于我海军新型AIP潜艇上。由于它不依靠空气推进的动力装置,大幅降低了潜 艇噪声,能使潜艇在水下长期航行,增强了潜艇的隐蔽性,进而大大提升了我国海军作战实力。

  此前这种船用发动机技术只有极少数国家掌控,如今完全实现了自主研发,被国内外誉为一颗强劲的“中国心 ”。

  特种发动机的研究,凝注了中国船舶重工集团公司七一一研究所研发人员数十年的心血。1975年,中国舰船研究院第七一一研究所成立特种发动机研究室, 1996年6月,成立特种发动机工程研究中心。经过“八五”、“九五”的研究,相继突破12项关键技术。1 998年,他们研制成功了拥有完全自主知识产权的我国第一台特种发动机原理样机之后,他们又研制成功了工程样机,总体水平达到了国际先进水平,部分技术处于国际领先地位。

  在特种发动机的研究过程中,七一一研究所以此为契机,培养了一大批技术骨干力量。从主持该项目之初,课题组只有10多人,而现在发展到100多人。涌现了上海市劳动模范、上海市青年科技英才等先进人物,也正是这支团队,多次被评为解放军总装备部“预研先进集体”,两次被授予“上海市劳动模范集体”称号 。


It talks about 711 institute developing this new special type of engine. This is already used on China's new AIP submarine. They developed 20 kw and 100 kw variants. They developed a prototype of this engine as early as 1998. Like? Modified Yuan emerges for wallpaper? Shar this image to Modified Yuan emerges for your friend.

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