
054A status in different shipyards

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Wallpaper 054A status in different shipyards

So, after a lot of waiting, the 3rd 054A from Huangpu shipyard was launched yesterday. I have a bunch of pictures from day and night showing them. You get a nice view of the Bow Mounted Sonar and all of the different sensors. Not surprisingly, we are not seeing any major change between the sensors and weapons on this ship and the previous ships. Without further adieu, here are some of the ships:

At the same time, we are finally seeing some progress in the HuDong shipyard too. Looks like they've finally fixed the crane problem. The foremast of the ship has now been installed on the 3rd 054A from this shipyard. It looks probably 3 or 4 months away from launching.

We've also seen some pictures of F-22P's first unit undergoing sea trials.

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