
2nd PLAN fleet sent to Somalia + F-22P

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Wallpaper 2nd PLAN fleet sent to Somalia + F-22P

The mission for the first fleet has ended and the second fleet is on the way there. As mentioned in this Xinhua article, the ships have already left on Thursday. The replenishment ship from the first fleet will remain there, but the destroyers are coming back. The second fleet (also coming from South Sea Fleet) will consist of the much traveled 051B. This ship is 154 m long, 17.1 wide and has displacement of 6580 ton. It is by far the most traveled of the PLAN ships, having made over 100,000 nm of travel around the world, here are some photos:

The other part of the fleet is the very new 570, which is one of the two 054As currently serving in South Sea Fleet. We've also received some of the statistics on 054A. The ship is 134 m long, 16 m wide and has displacement of 4053 ton. Here are some of its photos as it leaves China:

The other thing is that we've got some new photos of the 3rd 054A under construction from HuDong shipyard (6th overall). It's finally taking shape, looks like it might be launched in a couple of months.

Also, we have 252 getting fitted with FM-90N finally, here are some of the photos of the 2nd F-22P. I think it's going to start sea trial soon.

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