
An interesting article of a PLAN exercise

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As PLAN followers, we often get articles about training exercises for PLAAF and PLAN. Most of the time, the articles are written in a manner that reveals very little of what really happened. Occasionally, we do get more revealing articles like the one I have below regarding 022. This was posted on the August 21st edition of China Youth Daily. They posted an article a few years ago about the accuracy of DF-5A ICBM that was possibly the most revealing article of PLA strategic forces.

I will just give a rundown of this article. It says that in early August, AEW, destroyer/frigate flotilla and a FAC flotilla participated in an exercise that simulated FACs launching missile attack under heavy ECM environment.

It describes 022 as one of PLAN's most modern ship. It is stealthy, has high level of informational, long range attack and combines many new technology.

The scenario has an enemy fleet intruding on China's sea water. This flotilla of 022s go to intercept it under the command of an AEW.

The North Sea fleet sends out 7 022s under the direction of what appears to be a commander (not really clear if that is back at the base or on one of the 022s, but sounds like in 022). After about 35 minutes, it started to receive targeting data from the datalink in the tactical station. It gets the location in terms of direction + distance. They check the availability of the missiles and have them programmed to fly at X m (so below 10) and X sea state (didn't state what X is). It says that the missile (I presume YJ-83) has target selection capability (I think they are referring to being able to select target after launch), can fly around obstacles, perform long range strike and has strong resistance to ECM. The goal is to hit the enemy targets before getting too close, which would be fatal to the 022s.

The 022 launches 5 missiles at the target and apparently hit the target ship with all 5 (you will read a lot of propoganda like this on this type of articles). After getting reports of more enemy target, the 022s did not go toward the target but rather turned around and went full speed toward the flanks to engage the new targets. It mentioned that it took 2 years for the flotilla to achieve full operational capability.














该部政委刘宗玉介绍,部队党委坚持高标准打基础、高质量抓建设、高要求促发展,组建仅两年,就创造了新型导弹快艇成建制成系统全面形成战斗力的最短纪录,取得了实射5枚导弹全部命中目标的好成绩。(松岐 黄彬彬 熊利兵)
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